A pop-up window will appear with a preview of that file (if one is available). To preview a specific file (not a folder), right-click on the file and select “Preview”.Reset Filters: To reset all filters, click the “reset filters” link on the bottom-left of the window.Click the header again to reverse the order. Click the “Occupied Disk Space” header to sort them in numerical order by file size. Sort by Column Header: Click the “Files & Folders” column header to sort the folders/files in alphabetical order by name.For example, if the parent folder has occupied 50 GB of disk space, and a subfolder uses 15 GB, the percentage for that subfolder will be shown as 30%. The Percentage view reflects the percentage of disk space that a file or folder is taking up within its parent folder. Display By: Change your view by displaying files by Space, Percentage, or File Count.File Size: Use the “Over: 0 KB” drop-down menu to restrict your file view to just certain size files.Keyword: Use the search box on the upper-left search for files by keyword.
#Clean up your mac for free archive
Group by File Type: You can also see the files grouped by file type into folders (Picture, Video, Audio, Document, Archive and Other) by selecting “View: by type” from the View drop-down menu.Note that we do not recommend deleting system-related files. You can also use this menu to view just Picture, Video, Audio, Document or Archive files. To unfilter these, click on the drop-down menu that says “all files (no hidden & system ones)” and change it to “all files (including hidden & system ones). The hidden and system ones are show in the bottom folder under “filtered objects”. File Type: The default view shows all folders except hidden and system folders.Next largest are shown with shorter bars of yellow, then green, then white for the smallest files. The largest folders/files are shown with a long red colored bar. The colored bar to the right of each folder/file helps you to visualize which files are the largest.Click the target icon to the right of the filename to change the root folder.Click the arrow to the left of a folder name to drill down and see the size of the individual files inside of it.The folders and files on your drive will be shown in descending order from largest to smallest.Wait until the partition map is complete. You can see the blue progress bar at the top of the window. It may take a while, depending on the size of the drive and the number of files stored on it.